... ...
@@ -10,9 +10,11 @@ all you have to do is prepare a qcow2 or vmdk image and upload it to somewhere a
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only one thing to look for twice, the "console=ttyS0,115200n8" be present as a kernel parameter... if you need vnc access instead, just ask for it....
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-if you need a private peering here between you and an other participant, just ask for a private ethernet connection
+if you need a private peering here between you and an other participant, just ask for a private ethernet connection...
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-last but not least, always save your configs! there will be a daily recurring power cut sheduled to 21:00pm +-1minutes to have the infrastructure auto-upgraded
+consider enabling lldp on your interfaces because it helps speed up things on the switch moreover if you'll have more interfaces there then will help you too...
+last but not least, always save your configs! there will be a daily recurring power cut sheduled to 21:00pm +-1minutes to have the infrastructure auto-upgraded...
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